What’s about anatomy? Anatomy is really important in the science of filler. And here, we can observe the orbicularis oris muscle, the mental foramen, the mental nerve, and the mental artery, the zygomatic major muscle, the parotid gland, and the facial artery that is the queen of the face. Because we do not want any side effects in the facial arteries, very important to know to avoid ischemia and necrosis.
These are the layers of the chin. This is the bone, the deep fat, the mentalis muscle, the superficial fat, and the skin. And inside muscle, you find facial artery. And the 8 layers of the mandibular angle are, skin, fat, platysma, fat again, parotidmasseteric fascia, parotid gland, master, and bone. Not very dangerous as the mental region.
What about the differences between male and female? This beautiful actor and the beautiful actress with the square angle of the mandibular that’s typically of the male and of the chin. And this is more soft angle of the mandibular in the female with the round chin as you can see. In the bone, the mandible is stronger with a clear-cut angles and the female mandible is light with subtle angles and chin is smaller and round while in the male, we find the chin larger and square.
So, let’s talk a little bit about the proportionality of the female patient and the lower face. What is the bigonial width? This width should be less than the bizygomatic width. We do not want to increase the bigonial width. We will take into consideration either the intercanthal width or the width of the base of the nose. That, if we mark this, this line here, from the base of the nose, we can see that this corresponds to Holly’s width of her chin.
We are going to take into consideration here the Ricketts’ plane. So, if we go from the tip of the nose to the chin, my line here should be touching the chin, not the lower lip. What we would expect is this should be around 4 millimeters anterior to line and this around 3 millimeters. So, what we want to achieve here is we want to bring Holly’s chin forward. We have 3 areas which we can enhance in the female. First, we have the prodonium which is the point of maximum anterior projection of the chin. Just up a little bit. Then here, will give us also anterior projection but it would help us elongate the chin. And down here, the interborder of the mandible, we have the ementum, which will just help us elongate the chin. So we are going to use this to our advantage. And, we’re going to inject UltraDeep 0.2 onto the prodonium and then we’re going to inject UltraDeep 0.2 again.
We have to contour this chin not just by doing this deep supraperiosteal injections, we also have to bring the chin forward and we have to use a layer 2 here which is the superficial fat in order to do so. So, after doing my two boluses, I will use RHA 4 with my cannula in order to bring the chin forward.
We can see that the width of the male chin here is broader. That Ricketts’ line, it’s where it should be. We expect a greater bigonial width. The male jawline here, the ideal one, would be approximately 130 degrees. Here we have 7 layers.